autumn joy

By autumnjoy

weight of the world - and laughter.

spent a lot of time in the reality of human pain, suffering, and general disfunction today.

just being in it, seeing the one's i care for battle it, acknowledging that even my closest friends are always fighting some imposing beast.

we are all always battling.

we often forget. and it occurred to me today that we need to. some days we really do need to just play the game 'tribes' or 'anagrams' to make us laugh. to make us forget.

because the weight of the world is too much.

there is one particular thing in my life that i avoid thinking about at all costs. because when i do, the pain and weight of it almost crushes me. i had to deal with it today. and it was just hard.

suddenly i felt this burden smothering me.

and i just wanted to play tribes again. to forget. to laugh.

not to. . . avoid, but more to cope. to deal.

"human kind cannot bear very much reality."


just for the record, i'm fine. i am great even. happy. it's just. there are always those things, for everyone, that are too much. and that's the point.

and that is why we laugh.

and why friendship is breath in our lungs.

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