Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Boost your laptop!

Need to get much more from your laptop? Finding it slow and need to speed it up? Want to make use of your old laptops?

Did you know that :-

You can stack them to create a laptop cluster! Make a processor stack!

Only joking - This pile of laptops in the office today are being upgraded - some of the last XP machines (except the one I'm keeping in a drawer - long story!) are being loaded with Windows 7.

Anyone who had considered coming to the bluebell blipmeet at Hartshill Hayes country park I had suggested for this coming Saturday - Looking at the weather forecast and the limited take-up I think I may end up cancelling. No point standing around in the rain and wind trying to capture delicate flowers - it just isn't going to work. I'll decide Friday, so, if you were just going to drop by - please check the forum!

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