Life on the Mothership!

By TheMothership

Words don't fail me...

They just arn't printable. We get out of hospital (still no piece got to go back for X-ray tomorrow) and go to take Big Fish to bed and the bloody lift breaks. So he's on the settee again. They could come out but not 'til really late as there are '5 other lifts in the area that are priority repairs that also broke down tonight'! As much as I think BF's needs are a priority I bet there isn't another lift owner who also isn't a priority. Had more than my fair share of carp this week though bumped into a parent acquaintance and she's been in with her little boy for 11 weeks, with him touch and go with tube issues, so my issues arn't so bad. A big thank you to BGW and Flo for all their support. Don't know what id do without them!

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