(Over) Processed

The weather was crap today, so I had no chance to get out and take any pics. It was almost impossible to get a taxi but I finally did and all my pics were taken from inside the taxis. This one, in case you didn't notice, has had some post processing.

Here is the list.. At least my blip for today had a little fun involved.

Import pic into Lightroom and make 8 copies at different exposures (-4 to +4)

Add the original and open all 9 in Photomatix to make a 'fake' HDR

Bring the HDR back into Lightroom and do the following to get the cartoony effect. I got it from an online tutorial
- Recovery +100
- Fill Light +80
- Blacks +40
- Clarity +100
- Vibrance +53 (but that one is adjustable depending on the pic)
- Saturation - 23 (also adjustable depending on the pic)

Back to Photoshop for a crop and a little lightening and that's it.. It was fun to play.. I did this with 5 pics and this one came out the best.

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