nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn

Wednesday philosophy

Am a bit behind with my blipping; I have the pics, they are just waiting for me to do something with them. So this one is crap but better than nothing.

Have been trying to read about my establishment's strategy for the next few years. But struggling to find any substance in the words - they are reminding me of 'support our troops' - something that is hard to disagree with yet means little. Few of us disagree that 'making things better' is a good thing - it's usually how we do it that causes the problems.

What is really bothering me is the concept of 'sustainable growth' - does that really exist? Why must we always strive to be bigger? More, more, more; that is the mantra of all our mainstream politicians. I think I'd be a communist if it wasn't for all that revolution stuff.

We are a blink of the universe's eye, but that moment is our entire lifetime. It makes my struggle to be who I am seem so insignificant, yet it is my entire world.

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