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By Loulou70

Wednesday View #1

Decided Wednesday is going to be same view day for me. I am finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with blip, as many of you have probably noticed!

So I am making life a bit easier on myself and giving myself easier challenges and one of these is the same view, different times. This is one of my favourite views that you will now see (if you care to view it) every Wednesday through all weathers and at different times of the day, including night time if the skies are clear! You have already seen it a couple of times, so I may add it to my tag :)

If any one has any other good suggestions for things I can do that will be quick, but fun then please share. I love photography and blip too much to give up but sometimes thinking up something, or taking a photo of some sort of interest is difficult and as a result a cause of minor stress!

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