Exit stage left

By NessD


Migraine day. So that's why I felt so low last night. I knew it was coming when I narrowly avoided walking into the closed side of double glass doors because I'd thought the open side was closed and wouldn't I look silly if I walked into it. Then I thought the lights in M&S looked dangerously dingy. I thought walking "home" would clear my head but then I got the telltale facial pins and needles and numbing and realised I'd better get back ASAP. I still nearly managed to try and get into a neighbour's house by mistake all the while thinking "Since when did R&V get a gate?"!

After all that today wasn't as bad as I anticipated and the upside of being off work that I able to mind sick children briefly (if being in the same house at the same time counts) and when slightly more alert mind the well child. This largely involved sitting on the sofa while he played minecraft and disappointing him when I said he couldn't really mine down to the moon. I was apparently more useful when I had to continue mining for him as his finger was sore. As far as I can tell I just had to hold my finger down on the iPad for ages. I'm not sure I entirely get that game. Oh well, nice to have managed to be even vaguely useful to anyone today.


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