
By LightWave

My First Woodworking Project


So I was reading an old magazine called Bird and Garden or something like that when I came upon an article about screech owls and screech owl houses. The author recounted the joys of watching baby owls grow up in his yard and what a great experience it was for his kids etc etc, and lo and behold, he lived in Wisconsin, like us, so of course I wanted a screech owl house. So I went on line, found a recipe for a screech owl house from Audubon, and tentatively suggested to Mr. Lightwave that I build one (with his help.) And mirabile dictu, he thought this was a wonderful idea, so we set out next day for the lumber yard. And so the screech owl house came to be and I built it with my fair hands.

Now it so happens that although screech owls are common in Wisconsin, they are not prevalent across the entire state, and I may have built a home for a bird that is rare in these parts. We shall see. Nephew W. (the woodsman) says not to worry, it will make a lovely house for a duck!

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