Jurassic Park.....

......came to my garden today!
Having spent the last few days suffering the ravages that only an intake of shellfish not quite up to H and S guidelines can bring ,decided to sit wanly soaking up the blink of sun this morning!
With an al fresco dry toast and glass of water!
Hoping that someone would pass by with a horse that I could eat!!
And as I watched the newly arrived swallows zoooooming past, this little lizard appeared on my lawn to soak up some sun too!!
Wow! I have got dinosaurs in my garden!!!
So grabbed the camera and siddled over to him ;and he,obliging fellow, remained stock still in the hope that I wouldn't see him!
Which is how I ended up lying on the grass ,eyeball to eyeball with a dinosaur!
And though I freely admit its not quite T rex ,I would imagine if you were an ant it might cause you a little disquiet!!
We were getting on great till Miaow trundled over to see what all the fuss was about , and T rex minor buggered off sharpish into the jungle that my garden is in danger of becoming!
Pondered whether to erect a small sign saying Here Be Dragons in order to warn the beetles and woodlice,but decided it might just alert that other fierce descendant of velociraptors ,Mr Crow.who stalks my garden, to his presence!

But have to admit to being slightly disappointed the water in my glass didn't tremble as he passed through the undergrowth!!

Perhaps if I feed him copious amounts of mealworms, he might GROW!!

Now,theres a thought!! :-D

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