twinned with trumpton


Stormy Weather

2nd of three days in the house;

Knuckling down sort of a day, trying to shift numbers through. Successful to a point....

Lunchtime, I set out for compost to propagate vegetable seedlings; managed to shear off a pedal; last time I did that resulted in my sole foray into general anaesthesia so I took great care not to repeat that...!

So I finished slightly earlier than I would have liked; to swing past the bike shop to get new pedals, quick chat with Neill, he raved about the Fat White Band he'd seen at Stag and Dagger on Sunday;
Then I shot off to the allotment; dug another 15 hectares of untilled arid soil (actually, it's coming together a bit more now).

Home, shower, and back n the bike to Cigs blip and see Bob under gathering gloom, but with pockets of brightness at odds with the general menacing hues; contractor of Lyme's Disease. His training run for the Highland 550 seems to have landed him in antibiotic hell.... Looked OK, but think he's massively recovered from a few days ago. Hopefully he'll still get to do the 'race' but time will tell.

Slow cycle along the canal tow path, searching for some more Cigs; then the rain started getting a little more severe so I gunned the last mile to sanctuary.

4 hours later, I came to, disbelief, aching, disorientated.

20 minutes of refreshing downpour on the way home; totally loved it. Felt utterly alive, tingling, cold, smiling. Bikes do that to me.

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