An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Legs 2 (not two legs)

Hahahahahaha....for some silly reason today's blip has really tickled me!

Let me explain....

By some strange Law of Coincidink, it is almost 3 years to the day since I blipped LEGS and here again today I found myself glancing out the window as I ate lunch, to see a pair of legs framed in the kitchen window! What are the chances? :-)))

Lots of water under the bridge in the intervening 3 years (different house therefore different kitchen window for a start) but I'm still blipping. :))

I think I may have the start of a series here so if looking at tradesmen's legs through kitchen windows is your thang, feel free to pop back in May 2017 when I shall hopefully have blipped Legs 3! ;-))

In other news, the painting of the outside of the house seems to be taking forever. Hopefully they will be finished next week weather permitting. Oh and I am in the process of researching gas BBQs. We are finally going to succumb so if any of you can recommend a make / model for me to look at, that would be great.

Early dinner tonight then I REALLY hope to get some blip time. I am the world's worst blip pal at the moment and I apologise xx

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