
By WeeDragon_J

Steps to Scenery

Up to Corstorphine Hill. Off at regular bus-stop, walked up grass, thru hole in fence, but not a true hole any more, partly trampled wire mesh and young planties, ANNOYED at myself for not paying attention as now even more trampled. Re-looked sign taken down. So now they only want you to use the carparks entrances (don't have car), or the Tower / Garden Entrance, next bus-stop takes you thru a very boggy path or walk back along road to Tower entrance.

Have to watch all the other pedestrian 'holes' as they're probably filled up too. STUPID ME!

Blip of the steps in the middle of the grassy slope, lost the colour ot the sky. Saw the buzzards circling, and lots of wee birds chirping away.

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