
By cowgirl

It's not supposed to be like this!

So I come to Israel for some respite from the rain and it follows me here! It was so loud in the night it woke me up, so at 2am I got up to take a photograph. At 8am when I was ready to go out to meet my friend and travel to Tel Aviv it was still raining!

Thankfully by the time we arrived and had parked the car it had more or less passed and we were able to walk around some of my old haunts before settling down in Max Brenner, check out the link!

Back at the kibbutz it's all gearing up for the wedding tomorrow. It's in the afternoon, but I'm not sure I'll have chance to Blip as there's bound to be stuff going on in the evening ( but not at the venue of the wedding as they observe Shabbat there, so close at 5pm ... Don't ask my why the wedding is being held there then! ).

Eating lots of chocolate is exhausting - night all!

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