Marriage Certificate Anno 1732

I don't think you'll be able to decipher this. Had to take a paleographic course way back in 1994. Who got married here? One of hubby's direct-line ancestors. Have been revising his rather large branch these past few days, with the goal to get it done by the end of June or thereabouts. Aside from the fact that it's in Dutch, the handwriting is, simply put, a mess. The whole book was already complete 10 years ago but this is one hobby that goes on and on, so there have been updates and little extras here and there that I thought would be valuable for a new edition. When I'm done with the whole bundle, hopefully 12 years from now, it will be given as a gift to the regional archives, which has its office close to where we live. (There was a time when we thought we could give it to hubby's children, but, well, we just had to chuck that idea into the bin.)

Why this blip today? Well, weather-wise, it's been soaking cold and wet the whole day, which would have been disastrous for the camera. Besides, although I did go to work, I still have a sore throat and had no voice this morning for the grammar lecture. Instead, the poor darlings were given some homework. Because of my obvious discomfort, they were quiet and non-argumentative and promised to complete the required work by the end of the day and prepare for next week. Now isn't that sweet?

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