
By weewilkie

as the mist leaves no scar on the dark green hill

Out for a final wee jaunt down to Lunderston Bay using my Dad's car. My folks are back from Spain tomorrow, so it's back to public transport for me.
It's not so bad. I've found it trickier doing my daily blips because I drive to work then drive home. I miss out on half a hundred wee possibilities of light and circumstance that occur when I'm out and among public life and the weather. The serendipitous moments are much rarer or, when they occur, I'm stuck behind the wheel of a car speeding along faster than the day is turning.

So, the title is the first couplet from an early Leonard Cohen poem. Travelling by car leaves me untouched by my surroundings. As the mist leaves no scar, as the day leaves no trace. Nothing sticks when you are speeding by. Now back to wandering, dallying if the notion takes me. Travelling at the speed of footsteps.


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