Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Lurking .....

You all know how good I am at lurking ...
It was such pissy weather today but I like walking and the dogs need it ... I have never understood people who get a dog and then never take it for walks ... Obviously if the dog is unwell that's another matter.No I am talking about never walked pooches ... How awful that must be.
Anyway this is one of the bridges over the canal going into town ... I don't mind a little bit of graffiti you know .

I am watching the new series of Hannibal ... Ohhhhhhh it's grizzly and bloody ... Just my cup of tea ;-)

Tomorrow a longstanding friend is coming to stay until Monday .... I have a few surprises for her ...
She is also a Blipper of 4 years too ... Some of you may know her ...

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