Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Camera issues and missed blips

The Boy, Dad and I headed out to B&Q this morning to collect various things to try and reduce noise, fix door handles and finally get on the loft to hunt for the water tap. It had started to snow and by the time we tried to come to park the car we found someone unable to make it up the slope. The men jumped out to give a helping hand and I jumped out to get a blip.

The photo isn't great as I turned the camera on and the screen was black. Had a few more attempts but knowing my battery was low I assumed it had died and typically, the spare wasn't in my bag. Somewhere along the line though I must have pressed the trigger. I also missed two guys trying to break a hole in the frozen canal with a big piece of metal. When I got back in though, I realised the battery hadn't died, my dad had been using the camera and turned off the display so he could use the eye piece. I hope he remembers in future to put settings back to normal after borrowing cameras!

Later in the day I also missed a couple of cross country skiers that my dad and the boy had seen when they went to the car. Now that would have made a good entry for scotland at play!

Had a fairly relaxing day to prepare for a busy one filled with DIY and errands tomorrow. Putting off speaking to the neighbours for a few days to see if our adjustments have helped.

Have been slowly backblipping up to Christmas

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