
By AfterDark

Recycled - Art ?

If your a fisherman this image probably won't phase you at tall..

But what if you enjoy and study art.. ? does it make you want to flick past this blip image to find something more appealing to study..

I love all kinds of Art ... but I am struggling to fully understand The Unilever Series: Ai Weiwei: Sunflower Seeds and it's Tate Modern: Exhibition, which seems to have partly failed due to health and safety.

For me..
I have bags of real sunflower seeds in the shed to feed the birds.. so why could they have not used real sunflower seeds ? then reuse them else where.. what happened to them Porcelain seeds ? was it recycled into something useful ? there are reports that a sackful of the seeds was to be sold officially at a Sotheby's auction, and that one single seed made £28 on ebay ! (probably stolen)?

what happened to the 1600 people that made them.. what share will they get from the suggested £120,000 Sotheby's auction.. are these Porcelain people still making useless sunflower seeds. ? or indeed anything more useful..

has the world gone MAD. ???

So I posted an image of maggots, and wonder if it's even worthy of your attention? will it create a good after dinner conversation.?

I can tell you this.. them maggots all got recycled ...
but if you really want to pay me £28, I can sell you one..via ebay..


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