laughing all the while

By laughing

Poodles, Hardware stores and Baking accidents!

So here is the story:
I was intending to blip a photo my other dog, as that seemed as fair as possible since they refuse to pose together for the camera. Good intentions being what they are, I took many pictures of The Poodle. Then my husband convinced me to go to Lowes, an errand I dislike strongly. However, this trip I had my camera and many good blip opportunities to keep my mind off of how laborious shopping in a giant hardware store with my OCD husband is. I came home with many blips to choose from and assured myself The Poodles blip can wait.
Then I was baking a cake for a friend at work and had a minor mishap with my mixer and powered sugar. The Nub, as always, was lying at my feet. She mustve heard my gasp and looked up just in time to catch a storm of airborne sugar right in the face! Poor The Nub! She tried to help me clean the mess off the floor but I made her sit/stay until I could get my camera. She is too cute! I could not resist!
Thus its The Nub 2 days in a row!

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