
This rhododendron grows in my garden I planted it after my beautiful little Jack Russell died in 2002.
I still had 3 dogs when she left but alas now they have all gone to Rainbow Bridge all lived till they were 18 a good age for a dog....
Now I have no dogs and I set up this online memorial for her....

Ginny's Memorial Website
August 1st 1986 - September 7th 2002

This page is dedicated to a dog who came into my life as a little scruff of fur no bigger than my hand with a heart and personality the size of a house...So when she left me 16 years later she took part of me with her and left devastation and misery behind....A true giant among the dog world..

Ginny was the kind of dog whom everyone loved all the local children grew up with her..She accepted the new dogs that came to live with us with ease as long as they knew she was in charge she did'nt mind a bit...But woe betide them if they tried to get one over on her...She knew her place ...as top dog...and ruled with a rod of iron.As long as she got first to the food and the loving snuggles she was happy.

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