happily ever after...

By thir13en

The perfect little being inside me

21 weeks & an ultrasound.

The baby's head is along the bottom, facing upwards at a ¾ angle. You can see one eye, the profile of its nose, lips & chin.

It was difficult to see, the baby was hiding under my hip bone. The dr had the ultrasound thingy jammed into my hip just to get this. The little one is hiding from us!

We didn't find out the gender, because were waiting for the surprise. But we both kinda think it might be a little boy! Either way the baby will be exactly what we wanted, an adorable little combination of Dan & I.

He's perfect<3. The baby will be too.

I was worried about everything the night before the ultrasound, I had some bleeding, and when I went for my first ultrasound, they told me I had a low placenta.

Had it not moved up over the course of the pregnancy, it could've led to pelvic rest, potential hemmoraging & a possible c-section. But all was well! It has moved up a bit, the baby is growing. I saw it heart, kidneys & I even saw it's little hand. The hand made me cry.

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