Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another visitor

No howling, or crying this morning, but I was awake at 5am, listening, and I got up about 5:30 before he started crying, or worse, howling. Funny how getting up at that time is no bother when you’re welcomed by a puppy. Mind you, a spring/summer puppy is a must! Being up on dark cold wet mornings would not be fun.

The puppy pen is just not right. I have arranged to return it. The kitchen is pretty much a puppy pen - I can leave him in there - though not for long yet. I have just been to B&Q to buying some more of their pieces of fencing. Too dear. I bought a roll of fencing, and things to stick into the grass to attach it to. On the long drive home traffic jams all the way, I came to my senses. I decided we just don’t need a pen - he’s never going to be out in the back garden without someone with a poo bag. He’s going to eventually learn that the flower bed is a no-no. A fence of any sort round our bit would spoil area completely. How would I climb/step over it to hang the washing up? So another visit to B&Q to return the assorted bits will happen tomorrow. A big saving, too!

He has a new toy - a long red squeaky snake. When he runs with it, he trips himself up. A photo opportunity if ever I saw one. He’s very good at ‘Come’ and ‘Sit!’ and we practised ’Down’ today. Hasn’t quite grasped the concept.

I put the mat back down in the kitchen, as he keeps skidding and can’t even sit on the wooden floors - hilarious - he keeps sliding backwards. However, it lasted about five minutes - the fringes were just tooooo tempting for a puppy.

JR brought a colleague to meet Archie. What excitement! Both of them. M loved him. She really tired him out. When I came back from B&Q they were charging around the grass in the sun. We have a future puppy sitter there!

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