Life Uncommon

By lifeuncommon


After a fun-filled and largely relaxing vacation, we had a fairly harrowing trip home today. The drive typically takes 4 hours, and with kids in tow it often stretches to 5, since we stop a couple of times. Today, it took a grand total of 7, and most of the extra was after we actually crossed into our own city's limits.

Though there was ample scenic snow atop the mountain passes, the roads there were clear - the predicted "wintry rain/snow mix" on this side of the mountains turned out to be 4 inches of accumulated snow, for which no one was prepared. The roads were instantly clogged and we crawled home, sliding around only minimally thanks to our new AWD vehicle.

We did have some adventures though - first, pulling over at a gas station to pick up my brother and sister-in-law, who were also making their way to our house in a less snow-worthy car. We had to empty half the contents of our trunk into their car and abandon it at the gas station in order to fit them in our backseat!

Then, halfway between the gas station and home, Ben got out to help push a struggling car up an icy hill! When we finally reached the entrance to our own neighborhood, our trusty AWD couldn't keep up with the less-traveled, hilly road and after a few failed attempts, Ben and my brother Neal got out to chain up, for the last two blocks of the drive! Given the number of people and the amount of stuff packed into that car, chaining up seemed easier than hiking in! When the snow stopped later in the evening, the guys ventured back to retrieve all the belongings from the abandoned car, but the car itself will have to remain there until the roads thaw.

Since we were traveling, I've backblipped the 24th-28th. Enjoy!

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