
When we had storms earlier in the year some of the trees lining the lane into the village were brought down and took with them some of the road. It's narrow most of the way down with some passing places and to one side there is a substantial drop - down a slope - into the valley below. In order to save anyone from the danger of the damaged road surface and the likely plunge to into somebody's garden the council put out some road cones. As everyone knows cones have magical powers and have prevented accidents but the council have now decided to go with the old school remedy of actually repairing the thoroughfare. Thus the road has been shut for a few days and it has been very peaceful without the traffic cutting through on the school run.

In other news - I have employed someone to sort out the garden. Try as I might I can't generate any enthusiasm for going out and hacking the grass back every few weeks so I now have a gardener (actually a crew of gardeners!). Today they came for a look and they will be back with tools and stuff in a couple of weeks so I'll blip the results of their work.

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