Highdays and Holy-days

I missed my weekly photo jaunt last Friday so, despite a rainy start to the day, Beewriter and I agreed to meet in Manchester, even if, as she put it, it was just for coffee and a cake!

After lunch at the former Cathedral Cafe, we made our way into the cathedral and were lucky enough to see the newly erected display featuring the winning entries from the "Capture The Cathedral Photo Competition". We agreed there and then that next year we'd be on that winners display (well at least next year we would actually enter the competition). It's a start!

Second stop was the beautiful St. Anne's Church, strangely enough, in the square of the same name.

I like coincidences. ;0))

Bee photographed this altar view too but was 'disturbed' because the lectern was off centre. She tried to move it but it had a decidedly 'wobbly ' stand so she thought better of it.
Fortunate really as the vicar was standing right behind us.

She will get us in bother one of these days.

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