Me, too

Another busy day but pleasingly productive. A quick foray into the office to clear emails and then off to a meeting. I'm trying to remain cautiously optimistic....

Two lovely clients in the afternoon. Very grounding and a sense of serving the whole of a person instead of just the intellect.

I was working too late to get to the start of the protest against the campaigning of the UKIP leader (I don't even like to say his name) but got there in time to see some great placards and to see some of the crowd that party attracts - a rather elderly demographic unsurprisingly, disappointingly.

On my bike ride home from the morning meeting this song came up on shuffle. I think it's nigh on impossible to feel lethargic listening to it. It certainly made me pedal faster!

Later Edit: this article has some pretty fair reporting and a great quote from Maggie Chapman, the Green's number one candidate for the European elections and a wonderful neighbour.

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