Naked in the Rain

By taude

Swamp in a Glass

This is part of my new training regimen heretofore talked about in yesterday's blip (click on the left-side of the image above). It's Wheat Grass. I wanna make sure I'm getting plenty of veggies and nutrients and supposedly this is a better way than taking vitamin pills. We'll see.

This is the year.

Anyway, I'm easing into @guerra's detox diet. I'm curtailing my caffeine intake and starting on the 1st or 2nd, I'll begin eating mostly fruits and vegetables. No beer. No coffee.

Quitting coffee is the hardest part. I totally know now how Robert Downy Jr ended up passed out in one of his neighbor's beds back in the '90s when he was on a bad bender. I've given up my afternoon cup, and I'm transitioning to green tea.

I'm hating life and my personality is suffering greatly.

I weight about 180 right now (I put on some holiday weight), but figure if I can get down to 165 or even 160, there's a chance to be really fast on my mountain bike in the spring and to not look like a fool with my newly upgraded Cat 2 status. I'm going to at least try and give @guerra a run for his money.

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