Phoenix Rising

By kmjon


Had a lovely day today. We went to St Barbara's Square to promote the Desert Lions. The Desert Lions is the local Holden Car Club. The club is holding a Show and Shine in a couple of weeks and are also attempting a World Record for the longest run of continuous Holdens. The cars have to travel for at least 3.2kms not break formation and not have a gap of more than 1.5 cars lengths to get the record. Last year an attempt was made and as the cars went through the town one car stopped and gave way to another and the record wasn't given. This year they have chosen a different route which should make that problem obsolete.Last year there was 279 cars which was enough for the record but this year we are expecting over 300.

There were a few other stalls there and 3 parts of a 3 piece band (one member was at work) they just really had a jam session but it was lovely listening to them.

I spent the few hours I was there wandering around taking photos as I found something I was interested in.

I got some lovely shots of the band and the obligatory shots of the cars. There were two young girls dancing to the band and I was going to Blip one of them.

But I can't help myself my heart lies with the closeup shot so I've chosen one of the shots I took of the Grevillea that was throughout the Square. I did get a shot of a bee that landed on a flower just as I was taking a shot. It didn't stay long 4 photo's and it was gone. I would have liked a bit more of the flower in the screen.

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