Push Hard to Open..

....but don't bother today as we're not open at the weekends.
This is a pity as we need all the cafés possible open when holiday makers are faced with a dismal wet Saturday.

It's the sort of day that invites an open fire and a good book, not some off duty radiators and a view through the rain spattered window of a motley crowd of youths playing footie on the sodden grass over the railings and a succession of large umbrellas passing with children wearing wet weather gear being dragged off to the Museum. I remember these wet Saturdays with energetic toddlers only too well.

Two of our respective toddler daughters having survived wet museum Saturdays and grown up to adulthood without any obvious impairment will be visiting later, but before that I may as well indulge in some wardrobe weeding. Some charity shop may well be grateful for a dreich day.

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