The Union of South Africa, 60009, leaving Hellifield Station for Carlisle this morning.

I was flipping round with the duster at home when I heard the carriages go by, though pulled by a diesel. We drove up to the next village and the diesel was being connected to the rear of the train, and then the Union of South Africa came through past the carriages and reversed up to connect to the front. I think the diesel has to help push the train up the hard bits over the Pennines. The journey started from London around 6 o'clock this morning.

The alternative photo choice would have been of a lady in first class who looked as though she wished she'd stayed in London, and let her camera toting happy trainspotter husband come up on his own.

The rain tipped down all the while I was trying to take photos and then, just after I took this shot and she steamed away, the sun came out.

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