Dancing In The Rain


Yes, it's here again.

The Eurovision Song Contest. My favourite night of the year, and an event which is genuinely more exciting to me than my birthday & Christmas combined.

Then again my teenage idol was a superstar transexual Israeli diva...

Today's Blip is a tribute to Spain's fabulous Ruth Lorenzo and her song Dancing In The Rain, which I'd dearly like to win. Given the amount I spent voting for her when she was on X-Factor I think this would be fair recompense...

Very much looking forward to seeing Austria's Conchita Wurst again, the Ukranian entry with a man in a giant hamster wheel, and Sweden's Prison TiPi of Light, amongst others. Poland's entry, which highlights the traditional way of life in rural far away from Warsaw may also be of interest; funded by the National Union of Farmers or something...

I'm also wondering what the crowd's reaction to Russia will be this evening given the not so subtle booing when they qualified from the semis on Tuesday.

With the absence of the majority of the Yugo block, and 50% of the national vote coming from a professional music industry jury, I just can't call the result this year...

Top 5: Armenia, Austria, Greece, Spain, Sweden.

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