Jaws or just a Shark
Karen spotted this one and I grabbed the DSLR. We think it or they as we think there may have been two or even three. They seemed to be following a pod of dolphins (which where not so visible but where dark with white sides). This was off Aberdeen Beach mid afternoon today. I managed about three good pictures out of ten (well spotted Karen).
So is it a Shark, I think it was?
Sharks that you can better avoid coming into contact with don't swim in the vicinity of the North Sea. They live particularly in tropical waters. Most of the common sharks that swim in the North Sea are relatively small. Larger species, such as the basking shark, are also seen every once in awhile. But this shark doesn't even have any teeth
Life for most shark species in the North Sea is not easy due to fisheries. Sharks are sensitive to overfishing because they are only sexually mature at a relatively late age. Not only does it take a long time before they reproduce. They have a very long pregnancy (sometimes up to 2 years) and they don't lay many eggs.
Worldwide, tens of millions of sharks are caught yearly for shark fin soup. In that case, only the fins are used, the rest of the animal is thrown overboard. 'Defining' has been banned in the European Union since 2003. Sharks are still caught for shark fin soup, shark meat, oil and cartilage.
Since 2007, the European Commission has worked hard on an EU-action plan for sharks. This plan includes ideas for better protection and further research on the most vulnerable shark species.
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