"Bowling with Boccherini"

My favourite sculptor, Phillip Jackson, generously opened his lovely garden today, in aid of the Murray Downland Trust which preserves large parts of our South Downs and its flora and fauna. He has several of his works around in beautiful settings, a couple I haven’t seen before. Standing on his terrace above one of the ponds is "Bowling with Boccherini", a bronze 64” in height. Phillip's usual technique of adding a small amount of gold colouring to his work is seen here in the buttons. She holds a bowling wood behind her back, and is so elegant.

I assume the Boccherini in the title is the Italian court musician, cellist and composer whose music had a courtly elegance. Click here to listen to his most well known piece, the minuet from his String Quintet in E, Op. 11, No. 5 (G 275). It's well worth a listen.

You can see my all time favourite work of his, along with a few others, Here

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