Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea


I went a couple of walks today just around where I live, I don't do that very often. I don't really like walking. It's too slow. I'd rather run or cycle. Or drive... but I had to pick up a prescription and its not really far enough to justify driving just for that. So I walked. There's lots of work going on around because of the train line upgrade. The main street is a lot quieter as the diversion doesn't go along it. It's only til December so I hope our shops manage with less passing business for a while.

I didn't have a very good morning but with my walks and various housey tasks abd stuff to be done I feel today's been quite productive for a Saturday.

Now Eurovision. You can't work where I work and not watch it, or you'll be left out of office chat for ages after. Some of my colleagues are even over there watching it live! I can't understand why they love it so much...

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