
Caught this little fella singing away as I left home this afternoon; he was very chirpy, despite the the weather.

I did well today; kissed Mr A goodbye then spent the rest of the day visiting family.
First to my sisters to see her & Theo and also drop off his present ready for his first birthday next Sunday (that year has flown by!). As requested, I've bought him a paddling pool/sandpit combo, let's hope we get a nice summer then he can enjoy it!

Next up, my Mums; general gossip about life, love and everything over a cup of tea and the biscuit tin.

Lastly, to my Dad & Step-mums. This had to be timed so as not to interfere with there tea time (I got in trouble for that before!!!!).

This has freed up tomorrow for 'me time'; I have a few things I need to do ready for birthday boys homecoming ;-)

I got home tonight just in time to sit down and enjoy Eurovision.
It's my guilty pleasure, best enjoyed with a glass or two of wine! I know it's so bad it's good, and this year they have a bearded lady singing for Austria.

I doubt the UK have any chance of doing well, as voting is very political, but it's still good for a laugh (especially with the lyrics on screen via the red button).

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