Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

5th day of live below the line.

At last, it is over. I succeeded in eating for five day spending 6 Euros (5 pounds).
Yesterday evening I disovered that I had miscalculated and underspent by 20 eurocents per day which enabled me to have an extra 80 cents today. That meant all kinds of luxuries, such as a small, home made ice cream last night, yoghurt and extra pasta with anchovies and butter.

I've lost 1.5kg in 5 days and learnt more that I expected. Firstly that 120cents a day is not enough for a balanced diet, but 200c, (2 euros) is more than enough, providing you cook everything yourself, including bread and are prepared to give up animal protein except for eggs and milk.

Therre a re so many things to be done with beans.

A poem from my childhood:

Beans, beans they're good for the heart,
The more you eat, the more you...............................and so on.

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