The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Visiting baby Maddie ..

Through Facebook I have made many fox loving friends .. a couple I've already met - but today I met even more of them!

Louise (who recently wrote this book), was driving home last week, when she noticed something in the road. It turned out to be a tiny female fox cub. Her back legs weren't working, but otherwise she just seemed shocked.

So Louise got in touch with another Facebook fox friend who already has a couple of rescued foxes and she (Angie) agreed to take on the new cub - little Maddie.

Today we all went a-visiting .. Maddie is just gorgeous and tolerated quite a lot of cuddles! This photo was taken by me while having one of many foxy cuddles.

Here's another photo of her beautiful little face.

Angie and her son Chris are doing a fantastic job. They're giving little Maddie a bit of gentle physio and there are definite signs of movement starting in her back legs!

Angie's husband is a vet (how handy!) .. and there's talk of Maddie having some water/swimming therapy when she's a bit bigger ..

A fabulous day meeting new friends and four foxes as well as a gorgeous dog and a cat and little horses ..

Here's a video of Scarlett and Darla and Oscar, Scarlett's puppy :)

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