Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Sea search course

Early start today as we were going to the Sea Search observers course.
The Marine Conservation Society had been running this course since 1980's, it teaches and then encourages divers to carry out a survey of the sea bed and the life associated with it in a particular area. You can do the survey wherever you are and it just requires you to pay a bit more attention to what you are swimming over, take a few notes and then fill in a brief form when you have finished the dive.
The information is then sent back to the society where it is used to help create conservation area and as evidence on the state of our seas.
A very interesting course and something we can easily do to make a slightly boring dive a bit more interesting. Here are the girls practicing their chart reading during lunch. No point in collecting the information if you don't know where you are.
Finished there and managed to get to the running shop to buy some energy gel packs. Need to start using them on the bigger training session to get used to them and make sure I can find one I can get on with before next month.
Came home to watch qualifying for the GP tomorrow.

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