I'll just trot off to the pub, dear.

The 'King' of the local travelling community is a convivial, ruddy faced character He is often seen trotting along the lanes at the weekends, smiling and waving his thanks to motorists who have slowed down to pass.

He stops at the pub for a jar or 12, leaving the horse and buggy tied up on the verge, before trotting home again.

I once saw him at the Reading Carriage Sales and made a point of speaking to him:
" Excuse me, you don't know me" I said. "But I live near you and I must tell you how nice it is to meet such a courteous road user." To which he replied:
"It doesn't cost anything to be polite to people."

How right he is. I wish some of the cyclists round here would adopt the same attitude!!

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