This day

By snapper

The Comm

The Comm is a fantastic wee pub in Lochgilphead. Its worth a visit for its gents toilet alone!. It is patroned by some of the nicest people you cold find. When we first came here, we lived in the flat above the bar and hubby worked in the bar itself.
My children spoke to the regulars everyday and learned all sorts of facts about the town and the area and learned often what was right and what was wrong.

I am not an advocate of this countries binge drinking but the regulars at the Comm were just like folks you would have in your sitting room. They would blether happily about all sorts and sdup their pints a while.

When we moved to other rented premises and realised we didnt posess a stick of furniture, the Comm regulars came to our rescue and before we knew it they had almost furnished our new place. ! That kind of kindness you don't come across in many towns or cities!

We have since bought our own home but it is still furnished with the Comm regulars stuff which we bacame too attached to.

People come, people go but the Comm remains the same and long may it continue

Slainte Comm lads and lassies

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