Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Our beloved Mr W.

We love Mr W; he is our 12 year old chocolate lab. Lurking in this creature filled with love is a heart of a lion. We were told last October that he had a month left to live and here we are 14 months later and he is still going strong. His resiliency and positive attitude are unbelievable and are a lesson to all. We are blessed to have this gentle, calm and loving creature as a member of our family.

Mr. W pre-dates the TMG marriage. In many respects, he was our first child; a true test of the TMG family relationship. He was there when we brought the little TMGs home from the hospital and has treated each new baby with the same unconditional love. They love playing with him and no matter how rough, how has nothing but a gentle lick for each of them.

We are blessed to have Mr. W in our lives for so long and dread the day when his time ends. Whenever that moment occurs, we can take solace in the many wonderful years we all spent to together.

This blip is dedicated to Mr. W. May he continue on for many more years.

I chose this shot because I liked the angle. I was positioning for a different shot when Mr. W came by. He was curious to why I was climbing down on rocks and so you see him looking down. The day was gray and there was limited light and so the shutter speed was a bit slow for his movement. The result is that he is a bit soft in the image, but I had to post it anyways since I liked the image and perspective.

Update: this Internet connection is slow and I cannot upload the full resolution version. This is a downsized version. I will upload a full resolution image later.

A year ago: A curious Christmas sculpture.

Post processing:
Tweaked saturation and constrast in DPP

Constructive criticism always welcome

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