Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Green -- We're Going Green

The house was last painted in 2000, so it was time, past time, to get this place painted again. So we selected a color that would compliment the green roof tile and the Tuff Sheds on the far left side of the house (and not really visible in this photo). We hadn't realized how stressful and rather difficult selecting the paint colors would be, but we think maybe, just maybe, these colors will be okay.

The first paint company crew arrived this past Monday and power washed the entire house; that was interesting to watch. When the next crew arrived today they began preparing the house while we discussed color choices with the team captain. Having the windows covered and taped closed with clear plastic hasn't been much fun, but it's the way painters keep the over-spray off the glass.

The next door neighbors have just had their house painted, so it must be contagious.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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