Easter Cactus or Christmas cactus.

After commenting that my plant hadn't flowered this year, I discovered it had quite a few buds. This is one of the flowers - it certainly helps if it gets watered regularly. A native of Brazil, and a tough plant if it survives as a pot plant at my place. My mother used to have a huge big plant that grow in a pot on top of the fridge that didn't flower very well. So one day, she got fed up with it, and dumped it, pot and all outside in the garden alongside the house. It then proceeded to have masses of flowers ever after.
PJ came home the other day, with a bag full of chillies, little, long, VERY hot, red ones!! So today, I made Apple & Chilli sauce......... it's certainly got a kick to it.
My cousin has this wonderful hot house, where she grows all sorts of tropical things, including the chillies. Her husband doesn't like hot food, so she ends up giving them away. She said that this is the third year they have fruited ( I suppose that is what they do) They have an old pot belly stove inside the hot house, and during the winter, she goes out in the middle of the night to stoke the fire. The banana tree is in flower (real ones - not ornamental) so they are looking forward to those.

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