Tripping round the flea market

You should have seen me running like a hare up the vine lines having to negotiate the wires as the wind lifted and bowled Eric's hat on and under them. I've been wearing it in the mornings as the sun being low seems to worry my eyes. But it is too big for me and the wind got wilder as the walk went on so in the end I had to carry it. Max and I found two more orchids today for my collection, 5 huge frogs in a river and then after breakfast we went to the flea market – or rather I did but Max got to go in the car and rest while I poked around. Today there was everything from a Tutankhamen bust to a bevy of Barbie dolls, an enormous garden gnome guarding the garden tools, a grey fox pelt peering out of a car window with his brush out of the other, fencing masks, knee pads, jewellery and lace cloths, clothes and tat of all sorts. There seemed to be a fair few English speaking tourists around and I didn’t stay long – and I managed to keep the car on the right side of the road ALL the way there and back. The wind is now wilder than ever, moving all the garden furniture around but now the sun is coming out it doesn't seem so cold.

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