
By HelenJG

A Trip Down Memory Lane.....

You'll have to grant me a bit of artistic licence here..... A year ago today was our wedding day, we stayed at our venue last night and this morning went on the same drive we did in our wedding car. That trip in the 1936 SS Jaguar SS 1.5 Litre was one of the highlights of the day (We're both petrol heads) and the sun shone for just long enough to get some photos before the rain storm started just as we'd got back into the car. By the time we got back for our wedding breakfast the sun was shining again.

The weather today was similarly moody, and this tree seen along the way also fulfilled my photographic desire to photograph lone trees. Today being our anniversary I decided to get a bit creative and produce a mirror. It's been a tough year for both of us health and work wise so the tree battling against the odds of what appears to be a lightening strike also works.

Here's hoping for an easier second year of marriage!

(Bonus points for anyone who spots the shape in the clouds)

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