
By redridergirl


Is my New Year's Resolution!

Okay, so its not New Year's Eve yet or whenever you're supposed to make them, but whatever. Its N Y's Eve Eve.

I won't guarantee a post every single day, or even every other day. But I'm commiting myself right now to at least one entry per week. At least. But don't worry, that's worst case. I want to do more. Life is hectic, yes, and that makes it hard, but this is what I want to do and so I am going to do it. I will make time, BlipLand. You're up in the top three now (:

The top three being 1). school, groan. 2). family. 3). blip/riding or riding/blip. I can't make a distinction there, even in my own mind. Riding is a lifestyle choice, it really is, even if it seems just like a hobby to most. Owning (a) horse(s) is a huge thing, and while some people just have a passive interest and a lawn ornament, I'm commited to this. You have to be, when all that money is sitting outside, dependant on you. Not that I ride for the money, because it definetly is not an earning money thing. I ride because I love it, and now that I'm in, I'm in for good.

Sorry. Didn't mean to ramble.

But the same thing can be said about Blip, obviously. I don't have the nicest camera or whatever, but I carry around a fair chunk of cash, especially for someone as young as I am. It needs to be used (: and so it shall be.

Moral of the story?

Redridergirl is back.

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