The day started with a rainy awakening. We'd left the shutters open so we could hear the nightingale, who sings so hard all night that it seems rude to shut him out. And so at 7.30 am we were woken by unscheduled rain hurling itself from a yellow sky onto the table below our window. After a far too late night (a traumatic duck noodle dinner had me mourning my chilli-burnt mouth and Mr B shrieking in agony every time he forgot that he shouldn't rub his eyes... I am sure I did tell him that the red chillies in the small bag were the super-hot ones... Anyway, watching the longest ever James Bond gave the kids a late night, and watching the hilarious Eurovision show - with even more hilarious Guardian blog accompaniment since the French presenters kept talking over the commentary - plus one Game of a Thrones (with accompanying Wikipedia for the terminally short of memory) left us very late to bed too) we rolled over and slept on.
Proper day brought relatively bright weather along with brunch, a walk for the other three, puttying windows and weeding for me. All too soon time to fight with the kids about homework, then aperos, homemade pizza (pain de campagne bases - not my favourite but popular with everyone else) and bath night routine.
Over dinner it occurred to us that the kids might enjoy the Discworld novels. While Mr B was trying to remember where in Scotland his copies of the books might be, I rashly postulated that I could buy it on Kindle and he'd be reading it in 2 minutes. Put to proof, I'm happy say it took a mere 41 seconds, including walking across the kitchen for the iPad time.
Mr B's last (probably) week on his contract in Amsterdam, so he says he will give me a week off the 4 am airport run. Hurrah.
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