Hand made books by writers in Stroud

I had a slow Sunday start, but by mid-morning I still had to carry on writing the documents which need to be finished by Tuesday. I had to send the documents for approval by colleagues. After lunch Helena suggested a jaunt to see some of the exhibition of Stroud Artist's Open Studios Artist's Open Studios linked to the 'SITE Festival 2014', at Stroud Valleys Artspace in their newly renovated premises.

Helena knew that of the many artists based at SVA, there would be a novel exhibition by a local group called the Artists Book Club. We entered the building and noticed various different rooms full of artists, their work and the public. so we climbed the stairs and intuitively found the right room immediately. I didn't know much about the work, but Helena has been on a course to make hand made books and has several friends who also produce them.

I'm afraid I don't know the creator of this book which caught my eye. Helena may well add a comment to fill me in. Suffice it to say that the front page starts with the text 'The Foundling Museum was Britain's first .......' . I just liked the shape of the cuto outs text from newspapers hanging on the clothes line.

I wandered further afield and took a few other pictures but din't have much stamina for checking all the artist's work. The Open Studios are occurring again next weekend so I expect we will wander further afield and probably up the five valleys of Stroud to meet the artist in their home studios.

From the SITE Festival 2014 catalogue.

Come and see artists' books and more from a creative and diverse group of artists. We have been exploring a different theme every month such as “Edible Books”, “Sculptural Books”, “The Lens”, “Water” and “My Imaginary Relative”. Our interpretations are legion. Our books, are among other things, visual, haptic, sculptural, virtual, handmade, digital and altered. Look up our blog at www.stroudartistsbooks.tumblr. com or our Facebook page called Stroud Artists' Books where you can see more of our work and join in with our discussions. We meet at 11am on the first Wednesday of the month in the SVA bar to share our work and practice. We are open to new members if interested.

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