
By keithyboy

Monday morning 5.19

So another day looks like its gonna be wasted after a 2 hour nap, I'm wide awake but still feeling awful so I have made sure something constructive is happening. The laptop is getting quite jaded and full so it is getting rather slow so it is time for a factor reboot. Last night all the photos were backed up onto the hard drive, after deleting quite a few pointless ones the time has come for another hard drive to store the new pictures which will be coming soon. Just as soon as this dreaded lurgee passes!

The table is covered in dust, as is most of the house, because the living room cieling is being replastered. A process which is taking far too long, already 4 days and not much progress! No idea what these guys are up to all day. So tiresome having to listen to them bang and clatter and sand and talk when I should be sleeping, thats with the ear plugs doing a great job! Hopefully they won't wake me when 9am comes around with the familiar knock at the door and "HELLO".

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