
By keithyboy

That time again

As I am up late and completely out of sync with myself and everyone else in the world. It's time to be constructive again after sleeping through Monday and Tuesday much to my annoyance. This sleeping nonsence is atarting to wear thin, 2 weeks in a row now Nomi and I havent done anything with our days off because I am passed out.

So in the spirit of being cnstructive, the paperwork for my police report is being prepared. Apparently immigration need a fresh one with every application to stay in the country. This means everyone from the UK (and everyone from every other country) has to get a certificate from their own country to tell the NZ authorities about their criminal record, this is now my third one. Having not been in the UK for over 2 years, it would seem quite unlikely that I have been naughty enough to come to the attention of the police there.

This will be winging it's way to mum and dad soon, theres just the small matter of a cheque to get and then they can nominate someone to sign my photograph and vouch for me. Afterall, you can't be too careful.

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